Singing Guide: Tennessee Ernie Ford

Singing Guide: Tennessee Ernie Ford

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Tennessee Ernie Ford was an American singer and television host who enjoyed success in the country and pop music worlds. His unique baritone voice made him stand out among other contemporary singers. In this article, we will discuss the techniques and approaches that made him so successful and offer tips on how you can learn to sing like Tennessee Ernie Ford.

One of the most notable features of Tennessee Ernie Ford's voice was his distinctive baritone range. To establish your vocal range, use our Vocal Range Test. Once you know your vocal range, you can begin to develop your voice and expand your range. Tennessee Ernie Ford sang in a unique style that showcased his deep, resonant voice, and his use of dynamic contrasts. He often sang softly to emphasize certain phrases, and he used a lot of vibrato to create a warm, expressive tone.

To learn Tennessee Ernie Ford's techniques better, we recommend that you enroll in our educational singing course. Our course covers singing theory and practical tips on articulation, breathing, range, and agility. Enhance your breathing by practicing deep breathing exercises and active & passive breathing. This way, you can control the airflow and optimize the resonance in your voice, which is critical for producing a rich, warm tone, like Tennessee Ernie Ford's.

Tennessee Ernie Ford sang a wide variety of songs in his career, but some of his most notable hits were gospel songs, such as "The Old Rugged Cross" and "Take My Hand, Precious Lord." He also had popular hits in other genres, like "Sixteen Tons," a country song, and "Ballad of Davy Crockett," a theme song for a Disney movie. We suggest that you work on songs suitable for your vocal range, difficulty, and genre preference. Find them using our Search songs tool.

Tennessee Ernie Ford's unique vocal approach earned him fame, and we can all learn from his techniques. By practicing proper breathing techniques, tone control, and song selection, you can learn to sing like Tennessee Ernie Ford. We have practice examples and tools to help you track your progress and work towards your desired goals.

Practice the suggested exercises in this article regularly and listen to the songs of Tennessee Ernie Ford to understand his style better. Stay positive, practice consistently, and have fun learning to sing like Tennessee Ernie Ford.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.